Tuesday, July 24, 2012


毕业后,各自在职场上打拚,奋斗,很难找到知心朋友,这班朋友更显得亲近,贴心,可爱。这儿有十多只耳朵,十多个头脑(都是聪明的头脑!),更加重要的是 有十多只“嘴巴”,可以提供意见,安慰,倾听烦恼;共享欢乐。


Tuesday, July 03, 2012




Friday, June 29, 2012


六月十二号至十六号去了河内,没去之前,同事RAJAN 已经提醒我河内非常的炙热,100% 的潮湿。当时不以为意,只牢记着凉爽的河内。当我步出河内机场时,迎面而来是一阵阵的热潮,一波又一波的热气,逼着而来,我连忙躲进去汽车里,都逃不过它的攻击!真没意料到会有如此“热情如火”的河内!

湖边可是当时最热闹的地方,免费的“热风”(真的!当时的风是热的!),无拘束的活动,我想,这可是本地人的 “热点”!

这一次住宿在老街里的旅店,在今年三月时新开的,SILK HOTEL。旅店经理特别的招待,提升了我的房间从normal 到 luxury suite。非常殷勤的款待,房里的minibar任饮任吃,每天有免费水果。房间实在没话说,房间虽小,五脏非但具全,还很高档呢。说实在的,出差时,个人较喜欢较小的房间,有安全感!

这次我“老马识途”的带RAJAN去了“QUAN AN NGON”。 之前到过一次,就很想去第二次,终于可以重返此地。这一次,我“聪明”的多了,先在网上把餐厅名字,地址写好,交给旅馆小弟,让他帮我叫的士,沟通,让的士司机把我们载到我们要到的地方。由于六月是河内旅游的淡季期,很快的,我们就等到座位。这一次,我们就坐在露天位子,与其他人共用桌子。不过,没关系,这样才感觉到“热闹”,不然,又是我们两个人,蛮闷的。

点菜咯!要吃什么呢?哈哈哈!我们就四处望了望,看看别人吃什么。WOW! 左上角的客人正在吃 "spring roll"! 问了问材料,就要了越南"spring roll" 它是用薄薄的,大大在张的“米皮”,包上炒过的猪肉,大葱,虾肉,及三,四样的青菜,包成小卷,沾上酱汁吃。味道好“越南”哦!香菜的味道好重!我想我妈妈一定不吃这一道菜!

然后往左下角一看,乖乖不得了,炸鱿鱼!!我的最爱!!ORDER!! 味道就如卖相,好吃到想要第二条!! haha..(我几乎吃了80%)呵呵!我老公肯定为这道菜着迷!

再东望望,西望望的,点了一盘炸春卷,几乎是越南的特点。我多数会点此菜因为我本身非常的喜欢道地的 Fried Spring Roll. 味道肯定是 yummy yummy 咯!




Wednesday, March 21, 2012



蹦蹦跳跳 thumper thump thump!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Little Model

Our little prices was "modelling" last night before sleeping time! it was a fun moment because of her cutie modelling poses. She could do so many different posing with her cheeky expression and gesture. We were laughing so hard seeing her pose, some of it are "sexy" pose to tell you the truth!! and we do not know where did she learn that!

Would i be the "star" mommy in the next 20 years?!! hahaha.. (when she becomes a superstar model!!)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Morning with Qin

This morning, i fetched Qin to school because hubby has a seminar in KL downtown. It is always fun to drive her, just me and her in the car. Both of us will be singing, talking about anything and everything that we see by the road side, things in school and anything that cross her mind.

As we plan to let Qin join music class in Yahama Music School, we brought her to the music center for inquiry and registration. She's thrilled about the idea and she told us specifically that she wants to play violin. She calls it purple color school.

"Why I need to go to music school mommy?" here she started her question.
"because you could sing and have fun playing music in the school." my replied.
"would you come to the school with me mommy?"
"yes, i will darling, i'll go to school with you."
"but the school got no window mommy." why does she need window? i was wondering.. ohh.. i know why she talked about window...
"I''ll stay with you in the class room, Qin, so we do not need the window."
"Your sunflower class got window, can mommy watch you from the window?"
"No mommy, i do not cry anymore, so you must go to work." @.@

When reaching Jack n Jill, she kept on saying "bye bye Mommy"..
She doesn't need me anymore in her own "private" territory. The school is for her, not for mommy or papa to join..

My Qin is growing up...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Qin and her little friend

 I sent Qin to her kindergarten yesterday. This was the first time i sent her since the first 2 days of school opening. It was about 8.15am when we reached Jack n Jill, we arrived with the other car, it was Qin's classmate, a little boy arrived at the same time.

The little boy saw Qin came down from the car and greeted her Good Morning, Qin did the same. Then, i saw Qin went to him (he was waiting for her) and the little boy hold Qin's little hand, there they went, hand in hand to the class room.

They went down and then up the narrow stairs, holding hands, never let go even though the stairs is narrow. I was so surprised and touched by their closeness. I don't know if this was taught by teacher or it is just a natural friendly gesture for both of them.

They then sat together to take off their shoes. It is something that lingering in my mind the whole day. Thinking of Qin has given her hand to the boy, trusted him and both of them walked together happily.. very sweet moment.